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师范类老师 不限
  • 教员编号:
  • 6454
  • 性别:
  • 目前身份:
  • 国际学校教师
  • 任职学校类别:
  • 师范类小学
  • 教龄:
  • 10
  • 可教科目:
  • 小学数学,小学奥数,英文数学
  • 可授课区域:
  • 朝阳东城西城海淀
  • 可辅导方式:
  • 本人上门
  • 认证:
  • 已认证 ★★★★★
  • 可授课时间:
  • 周六日,平时晚上,寒暑假
  • 成果:
  • 中国人⺠大学 (研究生) 教育经济与管理 工作经历 2017 年9 月 —2019 年 9 月 北京市鼎石国际学校 2018年8月至今 小学部教师 北京京华海德双语国际校 小学部任课教师及班主任 2015年8月—2018年7月 语言:普通话优秀、英语优秀,简单日语 技能:熟练使用 Excel 、PPT、word 办公软件,黑⻰江省语文⻣干教师证书,中级教师资格证,中级二级职称,普通话资格证英语专八级别证书 ,计算机等级证书,获得双师技能资格证。 兴趣:读书、旅行。 自我评价 身为师范出身的我始终秉承着“学为人师,行为世范”的宗旨对待每件事情.我认为1+1不仅仅等2而是大于等于2,我希 望用我的一份努力和团结的合作精神加上学校的一份信任取得更高一层.本人已投入教育行业近余年,有着丰富的教学经验。 善于与同事,学生,家⻓沟通懂得团队合作,对国际课程体系教学有着自己的⻅解。擅长英文语法,写作,英文数学,英文科学,英文社会学。 刘 淼 (Rebecca) EDUCATION 152-010-53410 |116137350@qq.com Houshayu, Shunyi District, Beijing/ Married Qiqihar university (Bachelor) Sep 2007 – Jun 2011 Education Renmin university of China (Master) Sep 2017-Jun 2019 WORK EXPERIENCE Keystone school Teacher of primary School 2018.8月–Now Beijing Hyde bilingual international school Chinese teacher and homeroom teacher of primary school In charge of teach the primary students Math and Chinese 2015.8—2018.7 Beijing MISCELLANEOUS Language: Chinese、English (fluent) Interest: reading, travelling Skills: Excel 、 PPT 、 word Office software ,Chinese backbone teacher certificate, intermediate teacher certificate, intermediate secondary title, mandarin certificate English eight level certificate, the computer level certificate, get double skills certification. SELF ASSESSMENT As a normal birth, I always uphold the "learning to teachers, behavior world fan" aim to treat every thing. I think 1 + 1 and 2 but not only is greater than or equal to 2, and I hope a with my efforts and solidarity cooperation spirit and a trust to obtain higher layer of the school nearly many years, I have put into education industry has a wealth of experience in teaching. I am good at communicating with colleagues, students and parents as well as teamwork, and have my own views on the teaching of international cu
  • 个人简历:
  • 中国人⺠大学 (研究生) 教育经济与管理 工作经历 2017 年9 月 —2019 年 9 月 北京市鼎石国际学校 2018年8月至今 小学部教师 北京京华海德双语国际校 小学部任课教师及班主任 2015年8月—2018年7月 语言:普通话优秀、英语优秀,简单日语 技能:熟练使用 Excel 、PPT、word 办公软件,黑⻰江省语文⻣干教师证书,中级教师资格证,中级二级职称,普通话资格证英语专八级别证书 ,计算机等级证书,获得双师技能资格证。 兴趣:读书、旅行。 自我评价 身为师范出身的我始终秉承着“学为人师,行为世范”的宗旨对待每件事情.我认为1+1不仅仅等2而是大于等于2,我希 望用我的一份努力和团结的合作精神加上学校的一份信任取得更高一层.本人已投入教育行业近余年,有着丰富的教学经验。 善于与同事,学生,家⻓沟通懂得团队合作,对国际课程体系教学有着自己的⻅解。擅长英文语法,写作,英文数学,英文科学,英文社会学。 刘 淼 (Rebecca) EDUCATION 152-010-53410 |116137350@qq.com Houshayu, Shunyi District, Beijing/ Married Qiqihar university (Bachelor) Sep 2007 – Jun 2011 Education Renmin university of China (Master) Sep 2017-Jun 2019 WORK EXPERIENCE Keystone school Teacher of primary School 2018.8月–Now Beijing Hyde bilingual international school Chinese teacher and homeroom teacher of primary school In charge of teach the primary students Math and Chinese 2015.8—2018.7 Beijing MISCELLANEOUS Language: Chinese、English (fluent) Interest: reading, travelling Skills: Excel 、 PPT 、 word Office software ,Chinese backbone teacher certificate, intermediate teacher certificate, intermediate secondary title, mandarin certificate English eight level certificate, the computer level certificate, get double skills certification. SELF ASSESSMENT As a normal birth, I always uphold the "learning to teachers, behavior world fan" aim to treat every thing. I think 1 + 1 and 2 but not only is greater than or equal to 2, and I hope a with my efforts and solidarity cooperation spirit and a trust to obtain higher layer of the school nearly many years, I have put into education industry has a wealth of experience in teaching. I am good at communicating with colleagues, students and parents as well as teamwork, and have my own views on the teaching of international cu
  • 薪水要求:
  • 400以上
北京家教热线 13021095557
工作时间 早9:00到晚22:00
忙或下班时间拨打 13021095557

